Anne Boleyn: A Significant Historical Personality

Anne Boleyn Biography

Anne Boleyn was not born in the historical record, but she did her best to make it into the royal courts. She was soon admired by the famous. King Henry VIII was attracted to her and they soon got married. She was thought to have the potential to become King Henry’s long-awaited heir. She was found guilty of prevaricated offences and executed soon after the scandal. Anne Boleyn was a controversial and well-remembered Henry VIII wife.

Anne Boleyn’s birthplace was controversial due to her insignificant status at the time. It is possible that she was born at Blicking Hall, Norfolk, or at Hever Castle, Kent (“Queen”) It is not clear when she was born. Historians believe she was born between 1501 to 1507. She was the daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn (Kendell, She was a daughter of a noble family and would need to be a lady in wait. Anne Boleyn turned twelve when she became a maid for Margaret of Austria, The Netherlands’ regent. In 1514, Anne Boleyn was made a maid of honor to Margaret of Austria. Mary married King Louise to make a peace offering between France (Tudor) 2. Anne was sent back home to England shortly after King Louise’s death. Anne Boleyn, who was a lady-in-waiting at Queen Catherine’s court at the time, became embroiled in a scandal between Henry Percy and Anne Boleyn sometime between 1522 and 15.23. Percy, Boleyn fell in love secretly and they vowed to get married. Cardinal Wolsey the Lord Chancellor learned about the affair and informed King Henry VIII. Percy was immediately informed by King Henry VIII. He then forced Percy into marriage with the woman of equal status he had chosen for him. Anne Boleyn did not forgive Wolsey and that would be evident in the future. She was disgraced when she returned to Tudor, her home.

She returned to King Henry’s courts in 1524 or 15.25. Anne was openly sought-after by King Henry VIII (“Tudor”) 1526. She was criticized by many people. Anne Boleyn, a pale-colored woman, had black hair and brown eyes. This complexion was completely opposite to the Beau Ideal of fair hair and blue eye (Fraser 120). Her mole was the size of an strawberry and she also had an extra finger in her left hand (Queen) Fraser 122 describes her as “not the most handsome woman in this world.” Her loyal followers spoke of her differently. Others regarded her as attractive, with dark hair and beautiful eyes (Fraser 123).

King Henry was a skilled seducer who visited Anne often. Anne, however, was cool, sullen and evasive, and showed no interest in him. King Henry became more infatuated with Anne (“Queen”) because of this. Boleyn was aware of Mary, her sister and past mistress to Henry VIII. She knew this would be disastrous for her (“Queen”) 4 He said that she would rather lose her life than be honest to her (“Tudor”) King Henry VIII started his quest for Queen Catherine’s death and married Anne Boleyn.

Cardinal Wolsey was told by Henry VIII that Queen Catherine’s marriage to him was an offense against God. It was his deceased brother’s wife. Cardinal Wolsey tried to annul Queen Catherine’s marriage to King Henry. Wolsey was slammed for saying that one Pope can’t change the decisions of another Pope. He was on his way from Rome to London to stand trial for impeachment. He refused to cancel Henry VIII’s marriage, Queen Catherine, and resigned from Papal authority. He declared himself head and elected Thomas Cranmer Archbishop to Canterbury. Cranmer, naturally, declared Queen Catherine’s marriage to King Henry false and allowed him to marry Anne Boleyn (“Queen”)

Anne Boleyn was married to Henry VIII at a known place. It is not known where, when, or who witnessed the event. Cranmer however states that Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII married on January 25, 1533. Fraser 187 states that he didn’t perform the ceremony. The ceremony had to be discrete because Anne Boleyn soon realized the seriousness of King James’ intentions. She became pregnant (“Queen”) in the last week of December 1532 (Fraser 177) People would dismiss the child if they found out that it was conceived outside of their marriage.

On Thursday, May 29, 1533, Her Coronation began. People came, but they didn’t come to cheer, but to just stare. On Sunday, June 1, 1533, her crown was presented (Lofts 108-115) at 8:15 AM. King were absent from the coronations of their queens, so Henry VIII watched the banquet in a gallery at Westminster Hall (Fraser195). Henry VIII made Katharine the Queen’s name illegal because of mocking and ridiculing Queen Anne (Lofts116).

Anne Boleyn wouldn’t be able to keep this title as she has many difficulties trying to bear a male heir. Elizabeth was their daughter (Kendell, Henry VIII gave Elizabeth to him as a promise for good things. Anne Boleyn worried about Elizabeth’s security after she had her daughter. After Catherine’s passing, she was again pregnant and rejoiced (“Tudor 3”). She miscarried. She was too far into her pregnancy to have a noticeable baby boy. The reason she lost her child is still controversial. According to one story, Jane Seymour, one her maids-of-honor, was on King Henry VIII’s lap when she caught Jane Seymour. “Tudor 5” was the result of her hysterical fit. According to another story, Henry VIII was injured while riding on a horse during hunting trips. Boleyn learned that he died. She collapsed and lost her child. The other story says that Henry VIII fell from a horse during a hunting trip and was in coma for two months. Boleyn then told Boleyn that he had died. She collapsed and lost her son.

King Henry VIII grew tired of Anne Boleyn. Henry VIII devised a plan to rid Anne Boleyn of his power (“Queens”) 3 with Thomas Cromwell. King Henry arrested and placed her in jail for adultery and conspiring with three gentlemen and a musician from the court. The five men and she were tortured to admit that the charges were true (“Queens”) 3.

Anne Boleyn died in London’s Tower of London, May 2, 1536. Thomas Howard, the third Duke of Norfolk, was Anne Boleyn’s uncle. He presided over the execution judges. The musician was executed on May 17th, with the four other beheaded. Anne was also executed two days later (“Boleyn”) It was not a clumsy blade that killed her, but rather a skilled Frenchman who brought her to the square (“Queen”) 3. As she was brought onto the square, she addressed the crowd.

Good Christian people, i am here

You must die, according to the law.

law I am to die according to law

It is not something I would oppose. I am here

To accuse none man and to speak nothing

Ich hoffe God spares the King and sends me, but I will die.

For a gentler, he longs to rule over you.

There was never a more generous prince than him:

He was a kind, gentle man to me.

sovereign lord. If any one will,

meddle in my cause, they must judge

The best. So I leave.

The world and you all, and that is what I fervently desire

All of you, please pray for my salvation. All praise be to the Lord!

God, accept me. (Lofts 178-


After being blindfolded while kneeling at the blocks, she repeated multiple times, “To Jesus Christ Christ my soul is commend; Lord Jesu receive it” (Lofts 178-199)

Anne Boleyn, the most historic of all six wives under King Henry VIII, is undoubtedly the most significant. She experienced the rollercoaster life that all King Henry VIII’s wives lived. She was a pushover, never knowing what her future held but enjoying the ride. After she failed to bear a male son, everything came to an abrupt halt. Anne Boleyn will be remembered as one of Henry VIII’s most controversial and memorable wives.


  • daisymay

    Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.



Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.