Cleopatra Biography Essay

Cleopatra lived between 69 BC and 30 BC in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra VII Philopator was Cleopatra’s full name. She was the last active ruler for the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Cleopatra, which derives its name from Kleoptra in Greek (Kleopatra), means “she that comes from glorious father”/ “glory and the father”. She was a Ptolemy dynasty descendant and was the seventh Cleopatra from that dynasty. She was Ptolemy’s daughter. The Ptolemys, although not Egyptian in ancestry were Macedonian Greek. Cleopatra also a brother, Ptolemy XIII & Ptolemy XIV. In ancient Egypt, daughters and sons of ruling families often married each other. This was done to ensure that Egypt could be ruled for many generations by the same royal family. Cleopatra is eventually killed by Ptolemy XII (her father). Ptolemy XIII wished the throne pass to Cleopatra. Cleopatra married Ptolemy XIII and ruled Egypt jointly. Cleopatra wanted to be the sole ruler of Egypt and her guardians were aware of this. In 49 BC, Cleopatra was forced to flee Alexandria by her guardians.

Cleopatra wanted to be the ruler of Egypt, so she made plans to have a relationship to Rome’s leader Julius Caesar. Cleopatra’s boldness in approaching Caesar to assist her with Egypt’s rule made Caesar smile 48 BC. Cleopatra in that period was possibly one of most prosperous women in the world. Cleopatra becomes Caesar’s mistress in 47 BC. Caesar then uses his army against her brother Ptolemy XIII. Caesar made Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIV, her younger brother, the new rulers for Egypt. Caesar’s child is named Ptolemy Caesar by Caesarion and Caesarion by Cleopatra. Caesar’s baby is born a year later. Cleopatra goes to Rome with Caesar and their son Ptolemy XIV. Caesar is assassinated by his enemies from the senate in 44 BC. Cleopatra, her son and brother, flees Rome shortly after. Ptolemy, her brother, succumbs to poisoning shortly after. Many believe that Caesarion, Caesarion’s son, was poisoned to enable her to become Ptolemy XV’s co-ruler.

Cleopatra asked Mark Antony to be his leader and ask for help to conquer the Persian Empire. He asked for her support both financially as well as militarily. Cleopatra had lost Caesar’s protection, and she needed another Roman leader as her protector. They form a partnership. Cleopatra helps Mark Antony fight and protects Egypt. Mark Antony was even ordered to kill Arsinoe, Arsinoe’s younger sister. Cleopatra Selene was born to Mark Antony in 37 BC. Cleopatra is married to Mark Antony in Antioch, 37 BC. Octavian (Julius Caesar’s adopted child) and Mark Antony, the Roman ruler, fight each other while trying to expand the Roman Empire. Their relationship became worse over the following years.

They fought each other at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Cleopatra and Mark Antony are defeated by Octavian’s forces and he ends his life. Cleopatra sees Octavian as an adversary and sends Caesarion with her. After that, she plans to commit her suicide. But Octavian takes her captive before she can accomplish this. Cleopatra still wants to commit suicide, so she convinces someone else to give her an asp. The snake bit her and she then died. Newer research from 2010 suggests that Cleopatra died from consuming a mix of poisons. Cleopatra actually died in August 30, 30 BC.

Caesarion, Caesarion’s son, was made pharaoh after the death of Cleopatra. However, Octavian killed him soon after he assumed the throne. Soon after, Octavian took control of Egypt and made it the Roman province Aegyptus.


  • daisymay

    Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.



Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.