Elie Wiesel And His Father In The Novel Night

Everyday choices can make or break your future. It is common for a bad decision to have a result. Elie’s Night saw him go through painful procedures. It is hard to imagine what it was like for these people. Elie Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor. He made decisions that impacted his life. Elie Wiesel wrote Night about how Elie made life-altering decisions. Elie Wiesel chose not to pay attention to the father’s actions. Elie Wiesel chose to ignore the actions of his father.

His father was mistreated and beaten right before his eyes. Elie would defend his father and have done whatever it took to help his father before this holocaust. This time, however, he watched as he was about to be shot. “What had I done? My father had just been hit, in front, and I hadn’t even blink. This shows Elie had at that time feared for his own safety and was aware of the Germans’ goal to make Jews into monsters. Although he would have assisted his father, he knew that if he intervened, two lives could have been at risk. Elie felt guilty watching his father suffer. Although he was aware that he could have done more to help his father who was being beaten, it would still have been tragic. But, the expression ‘What had happen to me …’ suggests that he believed he was a monster because he didn’t help his father. Eliezer decided to stop glorifying God and ignore God. “Why should we sanctify our name?” I don’t know what to thank him. Let me elaborate. Elie said that the father was glorifying God by praising Him and asking him to celebrate His name. The situation is terrible for all of them, but the two men have different perspectives. Elie wonders why the people should celebrate God’s goodness for putting them into this horrible situation.

This is what Elie experiences throughout the novel. “Why, but why would He bless me?” Every fibre of my being rebelled. Because he burned thousands of children in His mass burials. Elie’s father and son have suffered terrible things such as violence, death threats, torture and death threats. Eliezer is not content with the way God is keeping them from being in this predicament and wants to stop glorifying Him for the horrible life they live. This is the last time Elie realizes that man is more powerful than God. “I felt I could defeat the Almighty to whom my entire life was tied.” Eleizer believed there was no hope that God would give them mercy or help them escape the agonizing torture. However, he stopped believing in God and gave up. Eliezer believes God is absent and that man can do more to help them escape the holocaust. God isn’t there, and God isn’t with them. Eliezer is able to make decisions about giving up or keeping certain things.

One of his assistants informs Eliezer that he will exchange his shoes for a unit of labor. He refuses his shoes. Elie also had to decide whether to keep or to give away his shoes. If he had given his shoes away, he would have likely died walking in snow or simply doing work. He would have been unable to walk in the snow, or do any work or labor without them. Eliezer did have to give up a valuable item in one instance of the novel. To make it more clear, the German officers wanted everyone’s golden tooth (if any) to earn extra money for the holocaust. Elie was not willing to sacrifice his gold tooth. He delayed his appointments, claiming that he was ill and couldn’t make it. Franek, Franezer’s foreman, decided that he wanted Eliezer to have his gold crown. Eliezer refuses to give it. Franek discovers Eliezer is weak, and his father.

Franek starts to torment Eliezer’s dad during their marches. Finally Eliezer caves and has his tooth extracted. Eliezer could choose to keep his gold tooth and let him beat his father. His father’s love led to Eliezer allowing them to keep his gold tooth. Elie is a father to his son, and his love overrides all circumstances.

Elie decided to leave his family inheritance. Elie’s father handed Elie a knife & spoon, which was his family inheritance. Eliezer is reluctant to accept them, as he does not want to think about the possibility that his father was selected. He eventually takes them and then leaves the group. Elie wouldn’t admit that his father was at risk of being killed by Nazi’s because he didn’t want it to happen.

So he decided not to accept the inheritance, as it would have made him think about his father’s passing. But he did take the spoon and knife just as his father wanted. If he had not accepted it, his father might have died. The tradition would have ended and not been passed on. Elie Wiesel writes Night. His life was impacted by his decisions. These included Elie’s decision not to believe in God. Elie quit trusting God after he realized that God wasn’t helping. Ellie also gave away valuable items like his shoes or his gold tooth. Elie also gave up doing things he used to do. When he couldn’t defend the father he was afraid of being shot by the German officers, it was because he wasn’t doing what he usually did. They had basically made Elie make life-or-death decisions by instilling fear in him and others through the fear they created. Elie could have made better decisions if he had. His daily decisions shaped his life.


  • daisymay

    Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.



Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.