Hitler’s Rise To Power: The Role Of The Treaty Of Versailles

Germany’s economy started to fail in 1920. Germany was blamed in all the problems that occurred after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles stipulated the German army had to be reduced from 100,000 to 132 million soldiers. Furthermore, they would have to make a 132-billion loss due to fighting. Europe also did not have an air force. Germany is in decline. Hitler was Germany’s Savior and promised solutions for all their problems. Adolf Hitler was the one who saved Germany from its misery. Germany is now working well. Hitler was highly regarded because he saved Germany, and was widely admired by Germans around the world. He has become a villain due to many factors and has launched a second world war. This essay examines Adolf Hitler’s rise and fall to power. It also discusses his ability to survive the Great Depression and how he managed to stay in power.

Bartoletti Hitler is the fourth child born to Klara and Alois Hitler in Braunau, Upper Austria. Hitler’s father was able to rise to a prominent position in the Austrian Customs Service, and Hitler enjoyed a comfortable childhood. Hitler began his education in 1900. His grades were high. Realschule, which was a secondary school that encouraged students to learn more and emphasized technical topics, was Hitler’s choice. Hitler eventually left Realschule despite conflicting opinions from his wife. Hitler’s political views began to emerge after school. Hitler had strong feelings of German nationalism and this was the root of his antisemitism. Hitler was an Austria-Hungarian citizen who considered himself a German, just like many other English-speaking citizens. The French, Belgians and Belgians were able to take control of the coalmines in West Central Germany’s Ruhr. This decision angered Germans and they ordered all coal miners in the Ruhr area to strike on January 1923. The state was required to pay the workers what they earned from trying to hold and obtain the protesting miners. Hitler, along with 600 Nazi allies, realized that something was wrong and formed a group to attempt to overthrow Germany’s government. The group marched in Munich to Gustav von Kahr’s Bavarian provincial head, and there he urged von Kahr for full control of Germany’s government. Hitler marched towards the center of Berlin. The state police arrested him and put him before a tribunal. Although the revolt failed, it was a benefit to Hitler, and it was widely printed. Taylor, who was currently in prison, published Mein Kampf, Hitler’s first novel. The first of two novels, Mein Kampf, was Hitler’s vision of Germany’s future. It described Hitler’s vision of the perfect race and his plans to essentially kill all other races. The novel also contains Hitler’s ideas about Lebensraum (or living space). Hitler wanted more land in order to make it possible for his German troops to grow and for their large families to live on. Hitler clarified, however, that to acquire those lands would be necessary for war purposes.

Hitler was elected to power as the Nazi party’s leader. He quickly rose in popularity by winning the 1928 election, where only three percent of all votes were received. Although the party didn’t receive the votes it desired, the election in 1928 was a good starting point for Nazis. The German public became more aware of the Nazis after that election. Hitler also attracted new supporters, many of whom not only believed in Hitler’s ideology but were also willing to die for his Nazi Party. Europe was hit by the Great Depression in 1929. In March 1930, Germany’s government was unable or unwilling to manage the severe crisis. Heinrich Bruning is appointed Prime Minister by President Paul von Hindenburg. They had to call another election because the new government could not agree on how to end the depression. The Nazis were victorious in the September elections. They also retained their Reichstag seat. Many international businessmen withdrawn their funds from German banks due to the growing number of Nazis in government. This caused the German financial system collapse. The economic crisis caused many Germans to lose faith in their political system and look to the Nazi Party for solutions. Hitler and the Nazis made the German people look ideal in a crisis by lying to them. It is more likely for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a great leader to be found through an election. – Adolf Hitler Aly.

On 28 June 1919, the Versailles Treaty was signed at Versailles Palace in Paris. The so-called “Council of Four” was in charge of the peace conference. It included David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson of the United States, George Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of Britain. Each leader sought to punish Germany for its role in the war’s devastation. There were disputes over $33 billion worth of war reparations. Germany claimed it would make up the difference. Rees Germany had to also surrender 13% of its territory. France demanded that the Saar River Valley, Alsace–Lorraine, Rhineland be returned to it. This would have served as a buffer between France & Germany. The regions of Moresnet, Eupen and Malmedy were given to Belgium, while Schleswig was granted to Denmark. Poland was formed out of approximately 20,000 acres of German territory. Other smaller areas were granted to Lithuania and Czechoslovak Republic. Germany lost 75% of its ironore reserves and 26%, respectively, and it had a drastic impact on its ability and capacity to acquire natural resources. Germany had to give up its army and navy, as well as its air force and navy. The Treaty of Versailles meant that Germany would pay the war’s costs, but the Guilt Clause Article 231 created a resentful Council of Four because they blamed the war on them. Hitler claimed that he would restore Germany’s image and respect by becoming chancellor.

Hitler would not have been an influential leader if Germany wasn’t in such dire straits. Hitler used the depression to his advantage, realizing that the government and people were weak. He could control the people and manipulate the situation to create the perfect nation and take control of Europe. Hitler spoke to people and provided quick solutions to their social problems, such as poverty, unemployment, and other issues. The Versailles Treaty’s goal was to weaken Germany and prevent it from coming to power again. The Treaty’s clauses set conditions that Germany could allow a dictator to retake power and launch military expansion. Hitler and the other nazis were unable to be stopped because the League of Nations constitution stipulated that there was no unifying force. Hitler’s rise in power was facilitated by Germany’s low image and the Versailles Treaty. Adolf Hitler Aly. “My spirit would rise from the grave and all the world would see I was right.”


  • daisymay

    Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.



Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.