The Role Of Purity In Cinderella By Charles Perrault And The Princess On The Glass Hill By Asbjornsen

The Princess On The Glass Hill And Cinderella Or The Little Glass Slipper Discusses Strong Ideas of Purity that Are Presented By Two Characters, Cinderlad & Cinderella. Cinderella’s lifestyle and challenges are similar to Cinderlad’s. In its most basic form, purity is: an uncontaminated soul. It’s something that we as humans easily lose. Both characters in these fairy tales are able, despite being treated badly by what they consider their family, to retain an innocence which the people around them have lost. Cinderella and The Princess On the Glass Hill are both stories that have many similarities. Some elements of this story, however, shift to a male lead who is trying to win over a Princess. Cinderlad was favored by the Princess because he, too, had the same purity as she did. She didn’t see him as a prisoner, but rather someone who would not compromise the purity she held. “The princess was beautiful and everyone fell madly in love, even against their will. All the princes, knights and nobles were desperate to get her …”.. Her beauty was unjustifiable, and everyone fell in lust with her. This would mean that all those who flocked to her would make it very difficult for her to find true love.

This fairytale shows that those who have a bad character want desperately to reach out towards the good people and take their wealth. “… The brothers rode to the glasshill, where all the knights and princes tried to climb the hill again. This time, they took care to roughen their horse’s shoes, but it did not work: they still slipped and could not get more than a yard. They could no longer ride their horses. Cinderella is the most accurate story to describe the original Cinderella. It also contains the most details about innocence. Cinderella is pure because she has empathy. Cinderella went to a two-day royal ball with a fairy godmother’s help, for instance. Her empathy allowed the fairy Godmother to locate a coachman that she could not.

Cinderella is viewed as a worthless character at first. Cinderella’s stepmother, her stepsisters and their attitudes towards her are nasty. They tried to dress expensively for the prince to make him like them but were not successful. Dressing expensively may gain you respect, but a pure-hearted person with a humble attitude will make them more fascinating. Cinderlad made his father and brothers jealous of his humility. Cinderlad was jealous of his brother’s expensive clothing to please the princess. Cinderlad, on the other hand, felt hurt when they told him to not go see who rides up the hill. Cinderlad is brave and does not fear anything. He decided to travel alone, unlike his father and brother who were scared and jealous of him. Cinderlad’s humble dress reflects the fact that he is a good man. He finds it easy to marry Queen Elizabeth. Dressing expensively is not a sign of wealth or purity, but rather a sign of pride. Cinderlad represents humility and purity, while Cinderella is pure and modest. Cinderella’s modest gown made her appear pure to the prince, as opposed to her arrogant sisters who dressed up in order for others. Looking down on people has caused many to lose the grace and favour of achieving goals.

Both stories use glass as a symbol. It represents the purity of identity. As the glass can be seen through, this reveals the transparency and beauty of both characters. Only their kindness and humility allow them to remain true to themselves. Glass, as well as the theme of Cinderella’s slipper in glass and Cinderlad’s gold armour, reflect only their angelic-like qualities, and who they really are. “The old king could not stop watching her and saying softly to the queen, that it had been so long since he’d seen such a lovely and beautiful creature.”

Cinderlad was discouraged by his brothers from climbing the glass hill to collect the golden apples in The Princess on the Glass Hill. They did this so that they could marry the daughter of the King. The insulting remarks of his brothers did not stop him from trying. The King ordered all men to show up, but none of them had the golden Apple. Cinderlad was not called by his brothers because they believed that Cinderlad had been sitting on ashes at home all day. In this story the golden apple represents purity and humility. Both stories make reference to horses and they could represent freedom. Cinderella and The Princess on Glass Hill discuss our Cinderlad wanting to go the king to see who can ride a horse and receive a golden apple to marry the daughter of the king. However, his brothers refused to give him a chance. His brothers’ impurity never affected him. He maintained his humility and purity. Cinderella is also affected by this, since her stepmother & stepsisters were trying to stop her from realizing her goals. She was called Cinderwrench and her step-sister was the elder. However, she didn’t care about all of these words. Instead, she chose to respect herself by remaining calm. Native American tribal cultures also associate horses with power. Many people are greedy and want to get what they don’t deserve.

Cinderella is a woman of humility. She has a pure and complete nature. Moreover, her stepmothers and stepsisters are often cruel to her but she can handle all these hardships. She performed all housework without complaining, but when the princess announced he was going to marry someone whose foot fits the glass-slipping shoe she triumphed. She was mocked for saying to try wearing the slipper. The slipper fit her, and she transformed her ragged clothing into a stunning gown. Cinderella transforms into a chariot. Cinderella’s compared to an unclean diamond, but one that is still valuable. Cinderella transformed into a chariot, and she was compared to a diamond that had been found covered in dirt but still valuable. Once the diamond is cleaned many people will admire it. The Princess of the Glass Hill? Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper allows us to better understand Cinderlad. Cinderella is a quiet woman who quietly obeys the instructions of her stepsisters and stepmother. She does not allow her hopes to drop because she knows her kindness in the long run will be rewarded. Encourages others to dream big and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Cinderella realized her dreams even after suffering from the evil stepmother’s maltreatment. Cinderlad brother was not affected by the maltreatment or discouragement of his stepmother. Instead, it enabled him to gain the Princess’s heart.

The Princess On The Glass Hill And Cinderella Or The Little Glass Slipper are two stories that reflect the purity and humility of Cinderella. The oppression of their families did not compromise their purity. Both texts communicate the importance of remaining true to yourself and not letting others pressure you to dress or act in a particular way. The clothes that both characters wear don’t reflect their true self, but they can show how once their appearance is changed to reflect the soul of their character they will be appreciated by their friends and family.

Author StatementAnalysis & comparison on the story The Princess on the Glass Hill By Asbjornsen & Moe And Cinderella by Charles Perrault; or, The Little Glass Slipper explores the effect of purity in both stories. My comparison and analysis focused on the symbolism in both stories. They are full of meanings that beg to be imagined. My work focused on words that were important to the protagonists of these stories.

Cinderlad, a character of a man named The Princess on Glass Hill, is an interesting interpretation of Cinderella. Both stories shared the same symbolic meanings, but they were used in different ways. I was interested to see how the symbols affected the stories. Gold and glass represented purity and value. The prince carefully picked up one of her slippers that she left behind. Glass is a symbol of purity. Glass also represents virginity. Cinderella’s gentleness, kindness, and fragility are established. “It would be hilarious to see Cinderwench attending a gala”. Cinderella tried to follow them until she lost their sight. The passages show her innocence by not retaliating to her sisters’ comments. It is a great way to show her innocence. Even at the end, her sisters will beg forgiveness for the bad treatment she has received. Cinderella embraced her sisters and told them that she had forgiven them from the bottom of her heart. She wanted them to continue loving her. As another example, those without a pure intention or heart could not wear the slipper. He discovered it fit her easily as if the slipper was made of a wax. Cinderella was able to fit the slipper despite her sisters’ efforts. They were not pure and could not get it on.

Only Cinderlad was able to climb the glass mountain which could only be climbed by someone pure he had worth he rode the Gold horse out of the three and obtained the gold apples. Cinderlad rode the Gold Horse and obtained the golden apples. Only someone pure could climb this glass mountain. The story was meant to highlight the importance of Gold, as only a worthy person could have it. Cinderlad’s ability to climb the glass mountain on the largest horse showed that he had worth.


  • daisymay

    Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.



Daisy May is a 34-year-old blogger and student who is passionate about education. She has been blogging about her educational experiences and tips for other students since 2010. Daisy May is currently studying for her Master's degree in Adult Education.